Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Still working on that concept sketch... today I didn't have much time but I did put an hour or so into trying to get a better idea on the values...

Monday, January 30, 2012

So this is like 3 days in a row and whatnot... Both with me posting and with me working on art.  It's time for progress!

A variation of the comp. sketch from a couple days ago...

So today was pretty fun - had a blast in Sparkyyy's Livestream!  Then I did another study.  That's about the day!  Looking forward to working on the Bloodsports Challenge this week!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Aright first things first - still working on Bloodsport Challenge #5

Never done anything like this before so it's exciting.

First thanks to Sickbrush for giving me confidence in my composition by taking the time and gathering his friend Fernanda to help me out with what I should be looking for/careful of once I get going.  Gave me a huge boost to continue on with the challenge.  Here's a rough idea of what I hope to get out of it:

Sick's take on it:

He suggested I fisheye the subjects in the foreground a bit, apply more saturated colors, and move the castle a bit.  A great tip was to watch out for what's going on with the edge of the flying machine right there next to Sheeta.  I agree.  Fernanda made sure I didn't get too stylized with things like oversized hats and defining clear separation and depth of space using contrast.  I felt pretty good and ready to go after they spent a good 15-20 minutes really giving me more tips than what I've listed here.  Man it's nice to be part of an art community!

That said... I'm not sure I can pull the fisheye thing off...

Anyway, now that I've settled on a composition, it's time for more studies.  I'm going for some pretty aggressive perspective and it's hard to find reference but I'll try!

Girl Study 1

If I finish more studies tonight I'll post 'em!


Friday, January 27, 2012

The Birth of the Blog...

Ok so somebody told me I should blog.  So lemme figure this out...
First... my live stream, Saga of Io.
Next, everyone who wants to improve their art can take a moment and check out the founders of the Crimson DaggersDave Rapoza and Dan Warren

Last, here be some studies!